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Category: North America

San Francisco 2012

In May 2012, I briefly returned to San Francisco to negotiate a contract on behalf of my employer. As it happens, negotiations broke down and things didn’t work out. But it was still a chance for me to revisit some of the city’s highlights again, and this time I had a newer camera so the pictures came out a little…

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Niagara Falls 2011

Niagara Falls is known as “The Honeymoon Capital of the World” I was told. I’ve no idea why anyone would think that. There are hundreds of far more romantic and interesting destinations that would be more appropriate, in my mind. Surely The Maldives is King of all Honeymoon destinations?! Anyway, I’d heard that you could easily take a day trip…

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Toronto 2011

Quite a few of my friends have emigrated to Canada, so I was intrigued to know why it appeals so much to so many. Also, for the last 15 years (ish), I’d seen the country and its people mercilessly mocked on South Park, and wanted to know whether it deserved the ridicule. So I booked myself an Air Canada flight…

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Hollywood 2011

While living in Los Angeles, I actually visited Hollywood a lot. Mainly because I love live music and standup comedy, and quickly discovered that going to Hollywood venues was a super cheap way to see A-list megastars performing in intimate venues. You could never guarantee who you’d end up seeing, or even if anyone famous would appear on stage. But…

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Grand Canyon 2011

If you’re spending a week or so in Vegas then you’ve really got no legitimate excuse not to visit the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. Especially as there are cheap bus tours setting off on a daily basis. A few things to keep in mind, however, before you jump in with both feet: This won’t be a luxury day…

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Las Vegas 2011

I only knew three things about Las Vegas: It’s known as Sin City (and for good reason). It’s where all the biggest boxing matches happen. It’s also home to the greatest entertainers in the world. Obviously, I had to go and see it as soon as the opportunity arose. But I didn’t want to just do what every other tourist…

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Oakland 2011

The main focus of my visit to the San Francisco bay area was to see the usual tourist sites and do some freestyle exploration. I was only using Oakland as a base because it was cheaper to stay in a clean, decent hotel there and commute to SF by BART. And with my germaphobia and cleanliness obsession, staying in decent…

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San Francisco 2011

While living in Los Angeles, it was inevitable I was going to find my way to San Francisco eventually. Everyone thinks Hollywood is the showbiz capital of the world, but I knew better. The San Francisco area is home to many, many celebrities, including fellow Villa fan Tom Hanks, and my personal comedy hero Robin Williams. It’s also home to…

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Los Angeles 2011

In April 2011, my employer moved me from the east coast to the west coast of America. I can’t say I was thrilled by the idea. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before but I absolutely hate the heat. I come from the Midlands in England. It’s dull, it’s dreary, and it’s usually cold. And I like it that…

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US East Coast 2010

In October 2010 I moved to New York City for work, and over the next six months got to know the area reasonably well. I also got to experience one of the most amazing snowstorms in living memory, which left me trapped in my Queens hotel for almost a week! The experience left me shocked at just how empty and…

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