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About Jay

Jay Shareef is a British actor, writer and presenter. He is best known for creating a series of comedy characters and performing in comedy clubs across the UK. Or you may know him from an almost-popular podcast called “The Comedy Cannon” that has been downloaded more than a million times. (That’s not nearly as impressive if you know the stats for genuinely popular podcasts.)

He loves to travel, has visited almost 50 countries, and spent time living in London, Islamabad, Istanbul, Dubai, New York and Los Angeles. Everywhere he goes, by tradition, he always tried to find at least one mosque and some desi food. He rarely fails in that quest. 🙂

Jay is both autistic and agoraphobic. He works hard to hide the fact, but is well aware it becomes pretty obvious if you spend any extended amount of time with him. He’s also a teetotal vegetarian and obsessed with personal hygiene. So taking scores of foreign trips to novel, unfamiliar and often grubby destinations has been… erm… “challenging”.

Jay also owns an embarrassingly large number of DVDs, computers, cameras, camcorders, mobile phones, watches, games consoles, and other electronic paraphernalia – very much the archetypal “early adopter”.

Jay is currently on hiatus from acting and standup comedy, and is working on other projects. This site is undergoing reconstruction. It will be updated in the near future.

Please come back soon!

LEGAL NOTICES: Jay Shareef is a fictional character. You really should not believe anything you read here. This website contains affiliate links. We may receive a commission on any sales generated from them. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2025 Jay Shareef Enterprises.