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Niagara Falls 2011

Niagara Falls is known as “The Honeymoon Capital of the World” I was told. I’ve no idea why anyone would think that. There are hundreds of far more romantic and interesting destinations that would be more appropriate, in my mind. Surely The Maldives is King of all Honeymoon destinations?!

Anyway, I’d heard that you could easily take a day trip from Toronto to Niagara Falls and that leaving early in the day was highly advised. Naturally, I couldn’t leave Canada without visiting the biggest waterfall in North America. The Canadian side of the falls is much, much bigger and more impressive than the US side, but you can see both by taking a boat ride, so I didn’t even need to bother crossing the border.

Niagara Falls Ontario
As soon as I arrived in town I headed straight for the Maid of the Mist boat ride. Good job too, as it gets really busy later in the day and you have to wait in line for hours. You can see the boat at the bottom of the photo…

I was told there are lots of other attractions for tourist there as well but, quite frankly, there’s nothing even remotely interesting or impressive that you can’t see any day in a major city. (Casino? Wax Museum? Waterpark? Meh!) But it was featured in Superman II – when Lois Lane almost drowns in it – so I booked myself a train ticket…

Niagara Falls USA
This is the American Falls. It isn’t really that impressive in all honesty.
Rainbow Bridge over Niagara River Gorge
The Rainbow Bridge over Niagara River. It links Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada to the United States at Niagara Falls, New York. You can cross by car or on foot. Either way there’s a toll to pay! Passport mandatory.
Niagara Falls (American)
This is the (less impressive) American Falls

Horseshoe Falls

Canadian "Horseshoe" Falls
Heading towards the Canadian “Horseshoe” Falls on the Maid of the Mist…
Canadian "Horseshoe" Falls
Maid of the Mist, Horseshoe Falls
Canadian "Horseshoe" Falls
The Canadian “Horseshoe” Falls as seen from the Maid of the Mist…
Canadian "Horseshoe" Falls
Canadian "Horseshoe" Falls
Maid of the Mist
Maid of the Mist
Maid of the Mist
Maid of the Mist

Exploring Niagara

Niagara Falls, Ontario
Wish I could have had a photo with the Mountie 🙂 Flags are at half-mast throughout Canada following the death of political leader Jack Layton.
Horshoe Falls, Niagara
The epic Horseshoe falls as seen from the viewing platform above.
Horshoe Falls, Niagara
Maid of the Mist
The Maid of the Mist as seen from the viewing platform above.
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Rainbow over Niagara Falls
The sun comes out just as I’m about to leave and shoots a rainbow across the Horshoe falls. 🙂

Queenston Heights Park, Niagara

Queenston Heights is regarded as Canada’s birthplace, and was where the first major battle in the War of 1812 was fought – and won by the British, halting an American attempt to annex Canada into US boundaries. The park pays homage to historical figures such as Major-General Isaac Brock and Laura Secord has BBQs. It has many memorials, a water-park, baseball fields, and wide open spaces for visitors to relax and enjoy all the beauty of The Niagara Region -and it’s free!!

Queenston Heights Park
Queenston Heights Park
The Queenston Monument. Looks a lot like a certain column in Trafalgar Square!
Queenston Heights Park
Looking out on to the Niagara River from Queenston Heights.
Niagara Floral Clock
The famous Niagara Floral Clock (supposedly the world’s largest).
Niagara Floral Clock
Namo Amitabha Buddhist Temple
The Namo Amitabha Buddhist Temple in Niagara, Ontario.
Namo Amitabha Buddhist Temple
Niagara Bird Kingdom
Niagara Bird Kingdom – the world’s largest indoor aviary.

Journey Behind the Falls

You can take a tour literally underneath / behind the Horseshoe Falls, called Journey Behind the Falls, and believe me you will get wet, up close and personal with the water. A bargain as it costs around $15, with poncho included!

Journey Behind the Falls
The queues for Journey Behind the Falls aren’t as bad as many other attractions but, contrary to the stereotypes, us Brits don’t like queuing.
Journey Behind the Falls
This is a cave BEHIND the falls. So the water falling in front is the Horseshoe falls.
Journey Behind the Falls
Underneath the Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Journey Behind the Falls
Journey Behind the Falls
Journey Behind the Falls
Journey Behind the Falls
Published inNorth AmericaTravels

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