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Category: Politics

Boxing is a mess. Who deserves the blame?

I love professional boxing. But there’s no doubt it’s been in decline for quite a while. Popularity is waning and the biggest boxing events seem to involve social media celebrities in exhibition matches. However, the root of the problem lies with the greedy sanctioning bodies, and their blatant money-grubbing schemes, that have devalued the very Championships they were supposed to…

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Am I an LGBT ally?

During LGBT History Month, I’ve been attending various social and educational events with colleagues from work. When they found out I wasn’t gay, they labelled me an “LGBT ally”. However, that description doesn’t sit well with me, because of what I perceive to be the expectations they have for LGBTQ+ allies (aka “the gender-sexuality alliance”). And I wanted to explain…

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Why I HATE (some) Vegans

Eid Mubarak!! On this day, when a billion Muslims celebrate by violently slaughtering tens of millions of animals, I wanted to tell you about my “journey” as a Muslim vegan. And why, despite being vegan myself, I really can’t stand a lot of other vegans. In particular, “Ethical Vegan” activists, who have turned their lifestyle choice into a religion –…

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Five Things You Should Know Before Converting To Islam

I always suspected I was one of the best Muslims in the country. But it wasn’t until I was nominated for a “British Muslim Award” earlier this year, that I was officially able to confirm it to myself and to others. There’s been a frenzy of speculation recently that Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan has decided to become Muslim. If true,…

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Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Islam

It’s one of the world’s most successful religions, with an estimated 1.5 to 2 billion adherents. Yet, thanks to misrepresentations of its tenets by its opponents, and by Muslims themselves, it’s a staggeringly misunderstood ideology. Even a cursory review of the Islamic belief system, versus how it’s perceived, shows a huge disconnect between what the scriptures say and what both…

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