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Month: August 2021

Boxing is a mess. Who deserves the blame?

I love professional boxing. But there’s no doubt it’s been in decline for quite a while. Popularity is waning and the biggest boxing events seem to involve social media celebrities in exhibition matches. However, the root of the problem lies with the greedy sanctioning bodies, and their blatant money-grubbing schemes, that have devalued the very Championships they were supposed to…

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Popcorn: healthy vs unhealthy

I’ve been watching a lot of movies at home over the last year, and popcorn is my healthy, low fat snack of choice. I used to buy microwaveable popcorn bags from the supermarket. However, I’ve learned they’re incredibly unhealthy due to the presence of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) – which turn into perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) – and diacetyl. It’s much healthier,…

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