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Washington, DC 2010

In September 2010 I went on a brief “Business Development” jaunt to Washington, DC – capital of the USA. Basically, I was there to negotiate contracts with some big media organisations. I only had my crappy old Nokia phone with me, so apologies for the poor quality photos. Inbetween meetings, I did manage to snap quite a few pictures of some major sights. I also discovered that there are a lot of Somali refugees driving taxis in this town, who all had plenty of stories to tell… some of them far too harrowing to repeat!

Although I did get to see The White House, The Capitol Building, and the Botanical Gardens from the outside – as well as ride the DC Subway – I do feel like everything was a bit rushed. The only parts of the trip where I had the chance to take my time were the monuments, which are amazing by the way and well worth seeing up close.

Published inNorth AmericaTravels

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