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Category: Australasia

Australian Safari 2012

When applying for my Australian Visa, under “purpose of visit” I put down “eco-tourism”. And I wasn’t lying. You can’t really travel this close to the South Pole and NOT see penguins in their natural habitat!! And how could I resist a chance to see some Koalas, Emus, Wallabies and Kanagaroos?? There are two ways you can choose to see…

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Melbourne 2012

OK, I’ve got a confession. Despite it being the cultural capital of the nation, I wasn’t really that interested in Melbourne itself, so I was only there for a couple of days and the weather was so atrocious. Thankfully, once again, I was staying at an Intercontinental hotel and it was a pretty comfortable place to wait out the torrential…

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Blue Mountains 2012

Being based in Sydney gives you the opportunity to jump on the train at Sydney Central and head across to the Blue Mountains – but definitely set off early so you can make the most of it in the day. (Not much point staying overnight, in all honestly.) The Blue Mountains are both a National Park and a UNESCO World…

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Sydney 2012

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I’d get to see Australia in person. However, I happened to be in Asia. And thanks to budget airline Air Asia’s exceptionally low fares, and my willingness to travel with just one bag, it suddenly seemed to be within the realms of possibility. Unfortunately, I would only have a week in…

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