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Sydney 2012

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I’d get to see Australia in person. However, I happened to be in Asia. And thanks to budget airline Air Asia’s exceptionally low fares, and my willingness to travel with just one bag, it suddenly seemed to be within the realms of possibility. Unfortunately, I would only have a week in Oz to explore as much as I could, which meant there was plenty I wouldn’t get to see. Like Uluru, The Twelve Apostles, the Gold Coast and Tasmania. I know there’s now a good chance I’ll never get to see them. However, I managed to squeeze in enough in that week that I left without regrets. First stop on my Antipodean adventure: Sydney!

Sydney, Australia
Flying over the city of Sydney, Australia, I get my first view of this astonishing continent.
Intercontinental Sydney
Beautiful view from my hotel on the harbour. Across the bay you can see the suburb of Manly, New South Wales.

As usual, booking a cheap flight meant I could get myself into decent accommodation. In this case, the astonishing Intercontinental on Macquarie Street, with beautiful views of the city to enjoy from the comfort of my bedroom. Not that I planned to spend much time in the bedroom!

Sydney Opera House
My first view of the world-famous Opera House. Still can’t believe I got to see it in person!
The Sydney Skyline.
The Sydney Skyline.
The Sydney Skyline.
The Sydney Skyline.

Sydney Harbour

Sydney Harbour
The Sydney Harbour at night. The Bridge and Opera House face off across the water.

North Sydney and Manly

One strange quirk of visiting Australia in June is that, technically, they’re in the middle of winter so all the beaches are deserted. Personally, I still thought it was reasonably warm weather!

Gallipoli Mosque

Once again, as is my tradition, I went on the lookout for a mosque and for Indian food. I only managed to find a takeaway that delivered to my hotel room. Disappointing. But when it came to hunting for a mosque, I hit the jackpot!

Gallipoli Mosque in Auburn, New South Wales
The impressive Gallipoli Mosque in Auburn, New South Wales. I decided I would find it myself rather than take a taxi. Not too difficult as you can see it from miles away.
Gallipoli Mosque in Auburn, New South Wales
The impressive Gallipoli Mosque in Auburn, New South Wales. I arrived late at night just in time for ‘Isha salah.
Gallipoli Mosque In Auburn
Inside the impressive Gallipoli Mosque In Auburn.
Gallipoli Mosque In Auburn
Inside the impressive Gallipoli Mosque In Auburn
Gallipoli Mosque In Auburn
Dome of the Gallipoli Mosque
Dome of the Gallipoli Mosque In Auburn, as seen from the prayer hall

Published inAustralasiaAustraliaTravels

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