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Melbourne 2012

OK, I’ve got a confession. Despite it being the cultural capital of the nation, I wasn’t really that interested in Melbourne itself, so I was only there for a couple of days and the weather was so atrocious. Thankfully, once again, I was staying at an Intercontinental hotel and it was a pretty comfortable place to wait out the torrential rain between wandering the town. That’s why there are so few photographs of my visit. It does have a reasonably good science museum though, so I took a bus over there and was delighted to discover I could go in for free (thanks to my NUS card).

Melbourne rain
Welcome to Melbourne! Yep, it was pretty bad. That’ll teach me for visiting in winter!
Westgate Bridge, Melbourne
The Westgate Bridge – the world’s biggest cable-stayed girder bridge. (Whatever the hell that means!)
Scienceworks, Melbourne
Scienceworks! Well, I could hardly visit a new city and NOT visit the local science museum, could I?
Scienceworks, Melbourne
Lego model of Melbourne, at the Scienceworks!
Ramsay Street, Melbourne, Victoria
Here’s one for you Neighbours fans out there. I found the REAL Ramsay Street in Melbourne. It’s actually in an industrial area next to an Oil refinery! — in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Ramsay Street, Melbourne, Victoria
At the REAL Ramsay Street in Melbourne.

I do hope to return to Melbourne one day. However, there’s a part of me that strongly suspects I won’t be returning to Australasia ever again, and this was very much a “one shot” deal for me. Time will tell…

Published inAustralasiaAustraliaTravels

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