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Blue Mountains 2012

Being based in Sydney gives you the opportunity to jump on the train at Sydney Central and head across to the Blue Mountains – but definitely set off early so you can make the most of it in the day. (Not much point staying overnight, in all honestly.)

train to Katoomba
On the train to Katoomba. Sun is shining and the weather is sweet, yeah!
Blacktown station, New South Wales
They’re not exactly politically correct in Oz!
Blue Mountains, NSW
Stunning scenery on the way to the Blue Mountains is a prelude to the wondrous sights that await at my destination.
Blue Mountains, NSW

The Blue Mountains are both a National Park and a UNESCO World Heritage Area. Lots of Sydneysiders head there on the weekends, so if you’re a tourist its best to visit on a weekday as it’ll be a lot quieter. And it doesn’t have to be an expensive day trip if you plan it well. No need to hire a car or pay for taxis when you can take buses and walk.

Katoomba, NSW
The town of Katoomba, in the Blue Mountains.
Skyway Station, Blue Mountains
Yep, it’s time to take the scary cablecar (is there any other kind?) from the Skyway Station.
On the plus side, it will give me a stunning view of the mountains I came to see.
Blue Mountains, NSW
Blue Mountains, NSW
The Katoomba Falls (Waterfall)
The Katoomba Falls (Waterfall)
Blue Mountains, NSW
Blue Mountains, NSW
Blue Mountains, NSW
Blue Mountains, NSW
Mining Heritage Museum
Mining Heritage Museum
Mining Heritage Museum
Mining Heritage Museum
Blue Mountains, NSW
Blue Mountains, NSW
Blue Mountains, NSW
Blue Mountains, NSW
Blue Mountains, NSW
Blue Mountains, NSW
Blue Mountains, NSW
Blue Mountains, NSW
Blue Mountains, NSW
Entrance to the Giant Stairway. It’s a PUNISHING climb down the mountain… and then even WORSE when you have to walk back up it!
Echo Point, Blue Mountains
Echo Point, Blue Mountains
At the Leura Cascades.
At the Leura Cascades.
Published inAustralasiaAustraliaTravels

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