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Ramallah 2015

Ramallah, in the West Bank, is the de facto capital city of the Palestinian Authority, and they operate their main offices here, as the Israelis don’t let them operate from Jerusalem. Yasser Arafat is buried here. You can get to Ramallah by taking a bus from Jerusalem town centre, and I was impressed I managed to make it there and back all on my lonesome! 🙂

Ramallah was historically a town of Arab Christians, but is now majority Muslim. The city has been occupied by Israel since the Six-Day War of 1967. Visitors to the occupied West Bank have to go through military checkpoints…

Israeli military checkpoint
Israeli military checkpoint which blocks people from going into and out of the West Bank. They have lots of heavily armed soldiers here with lots of weapons. Because I have a European passport it is easy for me to pass through on most days. But they don’t like you taking photos so I had to take this from inside the vehicle.
Israeli Army military checkpoint
Israeli Army military checkpoint. You have to be very careful taking photos, or they might arrest you. And put you in military jail.
Israeli military checkpoint
There are always looooong queues of cars and buses at the Military checkpoint. They make it as hard as possible for Palestinians to travel around their own country!
Ramallah bus station
When the bus gets to Al-Nahda Street, you’ve arrived in Ramallah.
Central Ramallah
Central Ramallah reminds me a little bit of Saddar in Rawalpindi. 🙂
Stars & Bucks, Ramallah
They even have a “Stars & Bucks” coffee shop!!
Palestinian Authority
Main office complex of the Palestinian Authority.
Mausoleum of Yasser Arafat.
Outside the Mausoleum of Yasser Arafat.
grave of Yasser Arafat
Two soldiers are always watching guard over the grave of Yasser Arafat.
grave of Yasser Arafat
At the grave side of Yasser Arafat.
grave of Yasser Arafat
Yasser Arafat Mausoleum.
Mausoleum of Yasser Arafat.
Outside the Mausoleum of Yasser Arafat.
Mausoleum of Yasser Arafat.
Mausoleum of Yasser Arafat.
Headquarters of the Palestinian Authority.
Headquarters of the Palestinian Authority.
Outside the Palestinian Authority HQ.
Outside the Palestinian Authority HQ.
Published inAsiaMuslim WorldPalestineTravels

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