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Month: December 2011

Seychelles 2011

The final leg of my Indian Ocean tour was a visit to Seychelles – the smallest African country by size and population. There are actually 115 islands, of varying sizes, that make up the Republic of Seychelles, but I only had the chance to visit Mahé, which is the biggest and home to the capital Victoria. I know I often…

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Réunion 2011

Time for the next leg of my Indian Ocean tour. I’d wanted to visit Madagascar, but the logistics of that were prohibitive. So instead I was heading from Mauritius to nearby Réunion Island (formerly Bourbon Island), which is part of the French republic and, therefore, a part of the European Union. They use the Euro as currency and have an…

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Mauritius 2011

I’d spent last Christmas and New Year touring the Far East. It was an amazing experience, but I genuinely expected that would be the last time I’d get to do anything like that. In the intervening time, I’d built up quite a healthy airmiles balance, thanks to all the travelling I’d been doing for work, and in early December I…

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