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Month: December 2010

Jakarta 2010

After spending Christmas in Singapore, the next leg of my Far East tour was a visit to Indonesian capital, Jakarta…. I honestly couldn’t wait to leave. The air smells foul, there are flying insects all over the place and trying to get anywhere by road is a nightmare. I pre-paid for my taxi from the airport to the hotel. Which…

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Singapore 2010

A few days before Christmas 2010, I took a flight from Kuala Lumpur airport – which may not look like much, but is now one of my favourites – over to Changi airport in Singapore – which is definitely the world’s number one! Tripadviser had confidently confirmed to me that the “Pan Pacific” was the best hotel in Singapore and,…

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Kuala Lumpur 2010

As far as my parents are concerned, there’s only one acceptable holiday destination on the planet: Pakistan. That’s why, every few years, our whole family would pack several massive suitcases full of presents for faraway relatives and board a PIA flight to Islamabad, and we’d be there for at least a month. All other countries and cultures were inferior in…

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