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Seville 2006

Next destination on my impromptu tour of Southern Spain was the historic Andalusian capital of Seville – a place I’d visited previously, but this time I was holidaying with a lot more autonomy and making the decisions about the itinerary. As a result I got to see a lot more of the “tourist” sites. I know some travellers can be a bit snobbish about visiting popular places on their vacations, but I’m not one of them. While I do love wandering off the beaten path, I’m also a big fan of seeing all the famous places that foreigners make a beeline for when they visit.

I particularly enjoyed seeing Seville Cathedral, a former mosque, which I was reliably(?) informed is the largest church in the world “by volume”. I also undertook the arduous climb to the top of La Giralda, the old minaret which now serves as the Cathedral’s bell tower. One hell of a tiring walk to the top, but well worth doing for the view. I also took one of those cheesy – and super expensive!! – hansom cab / horse-drawn carriage rides at sunset. Worse than the price gouging was the fact my photos of the ride all came out so blurry not a single one was usable.

Published inEuropeMuslim WorldSpainTravels

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