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Pinnawala 2012

About 50 miles outside of the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo, is the village of Pinnawala. It’s known for one thing only: Elephants. Because it’s home to an elephant sanctuary, and a popular tourist stop when exploring the country. The souvenir shops sell all kinds of knick-knacks made of elephant poop – seriously!

Bible Mountain, Sri Lanka
On the way to Pinnawalla, there’s some magnificent scenery. See that square-looking shape in the distance? They didn’t have a name for it. So when the British colonised, they called it “Bible Mountain”… because it’s square like a book.
Roadside fruit for sale, Sri Lanka
Fruit in glorious abundance. Sri Lanka is an incredibly fertile country agriculturally and grows pretty much any kind of crop you can name.
Pinnawala souvenirs
Exquisite wood-carvings made by local artisans
Pinnawala souvenirs
Pinnawala souvenirs
Exquisite wood-carvings made by local artisans.

Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary

Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary
Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary
Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary
Tusker the blind Elephant
Tusker, the blind Elephant, who was rescued by the sanctuary after he was shot in the eyes by poachers trying to get their hands on his ivory.
Tusker the blind Elephant
Tusker the blind Elephant
Tusker the blind Elephant
Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary
Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary
Look out behind you, Jay!!
Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary
Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary
It’s feeding time!
Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary
Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary
Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary
Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary
Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary
Visitors can also feed the baby elephants (for a small fee!). I tried this myself. Greedy little brat nearly took my hand off!

Riding an Elephant

I was a little worried about riding an elephant – mainly because I thought I might be hurting it. Then I realised this thing weighs about five tonnes and has a hide three inches thick. I could no more hurt this elephant than I could hurt a military tank!

Elephant ride, Pinnawala
Elephant ride, Pinnawala
Elephant ride, Pinnawala
Elephant ride, Pinnawala
Elephant ride, Pinnawala
Elephant ride, Pinnawala
Elephant ride, Pinnawala
Elephant ride, Pinnawala
Elephant ride, Pinnawala
Elephant ride, Pinnawala
Published inAsiaSri LankaTravels

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