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Category: United Kingdom

Butlin’s: cheap vs expensive accommodation review

I’ve been taking the kids to Butlin’s resorts for several years now. They’ve always had a reputation for quality holidays at reasonable prices, but they do offer a variety of accommodation options. From the ultra-basic “standard rooms” to the “Gold apartments” you’re spoiled for choice. You can even stay in one of the three Butlin’s hotels at the Bognor Regis…

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Edinburgh 2011

In April 2011, while working as a consultant in the science education field, I was asked to visit the Edinburgh Science Festival on behalf of a Middle Eastern client who wanted to bring something similar – but much grander – to the GCC region. I’d only visited the city once before, as a teenager, and welcomed the opportunity to re-visit…

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Gibraltar 2006

Having been away for almost a week, I was getting a little homesick. There was a cure, however. The tiny British territory of Gibraltar, sitting just off the southern coast of the Spanish mainland, is basically a piece of England on the Mediterranean Sea. They use British money, English roadsigns, red post boxes, and cafés will happily sell you a…

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