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Category: Turkey

Turkish Cyprus 2015

In 1974, Turkey invaded the northern part of the island of Cyprus and have controlled about 40% of the territory ever since. They’ve named it the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, but in truth it’s just an exclave of Turkey now. After all, they officially use the Turkish language and the Turkish Lira, and have an enormous Turkish military presence.…

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Istanbul 2015

Early 2015 and I was heading back to Istanbul once again for a quick cultural tour of both the European old city and the Anatolian side. I love playing tour guide for family and friends who are visiting new places and, seeing as I’d lived in this city for about six months, I was the perfect person to plan the…

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Istanbul 2010

So I spent more than six months in 2010 living and working in Istanbul. Click here for more on that story. I used what little free time I had to enjoy as much of the city as I could. However, I rarely took photos as I was too busy working or enjoying myself! Formerly known as Byzantium, and then Constantinople,…

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