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Month: July 2020

Why I HATE (some) Vegans

Eid Mubarak!! On this day, when a billion Muslims celebrate by violently slaughtering tens of millions of animals, I wanted to tell you about my “journey” as a Muslim vegan. And why, despite being vegan myself, I really can’t stand a lot of other vegans. In particular, “Ethical Vegan” activists, who have turned their lifestyle choice into a religion –…

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Tripod vs. Octopad

It’s been a few years since I purchased a proper tripod, and my new “studio” is a much smaller space than I’m used to working in. I desperately needed the versatility of a mini (tabletop) tripod, but every product available seemed too flimsy and unstable for heavy cameras. Luckily, I came across the OCTOPAD by Octopus Camera. It’s a rugged,…

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Selfie stick vs. Gimbal

My last video was much more popular than expected, but there were some very valid complaints about the shaky video. So I decided to finally bite the bullet and buy my first ever 3-axis gimbal. Gimbals are basically selfie-sticks with some motors on the end that make sure your camera and/or smartphone will only move smoothly by correcting for shakes…

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